* * How To Clean Fuel Spills & Stains - Clean Furnace Oil Leaks, Diesel Spills, Gas Leaks, Remediation

How To Clean Fuel Spills & Stains

Eco-Friendly | Biodegradable | Works Quickly | Ships Fast!

Clean Concrete anywhere 4:1 ratio – spray on concrete with garden sprayer, scrub with stiff bristle deck brush (not broom) and get the soap to really foam up. If there is a lot of petroleum on and in the surface, the foam will turn brown as it lifts it out. Rinse that away and re-apply Petro Buster mixture, scrub hard again and if suds are clean, let dry in to the concrete. If suds still coming dirty, rinse away and reapply until suds stay white and let dry. You will notice as it dries into the concrete it will dramatically fade the stains over the course of a day or two. In many cases it takes the stain away completely. It depends what the stain was from ie: transmission fluid has dye so is harder but does clean up; motor oil and fuel should go away.

Note: if you have a slight stain after a couple of days, re-apply, scrub and let dry in to concrete again and stains will continue to go away.

Clean Cardlock and fuel pumps ratio 4:1 – spray on pumps to wash off diesel residue with sponge, rag etc and rinse.

Clean The hand guards around diesel nozzles are normally yellow but turn black from diesel and if you spray a small amount on them, scrub with a small brush, it takes the black completely out of the plastic even though it is impregnated in it and they go back to bright yellow and new looking again.

For remediation where petroleum is in the soil, dilute with 4 parts water, disperse mixture on area affected with approximately the same amount of diluted Petro Buster as the amount of petroleum that was spilled in the ground. ie: 100 L diesel or gas use 20L pail of Petro Buster diluted 4:1 with water and treatment size will be 100 L of Petro Buster Mixture. Get a garden hose if possible and saturate the same area after treatment with water for 30 minutes to help drive the Petro Buster mixture further into the ground where the fuel is and it will break the barrier between the fuel and water allowing it to be diluted by the water and disperse. From there the enzymes & microbes will breakdown and consume the hydrocarbons. Rain afterwards is a good thing and will further this action. This reduces the PPM of hydrocarbons immediately. If testing is needed it is best to wait a few weeks after treatment and after significant rain. This has been very effective and passed lab tests many times.

Clean furnace oil tank leaks where the tank was outside the house and the furnace oil found its way in to the sump in the basement, this means the furnace oil found its way to the weeping tiles and flowed back in to the house. Use the same strategy above in #3 until you see the Petro Buster in the sump and continue until the sump is full (make sure pump is unplugged). Leave for a few weeks like this and then sump out either to the yard if the water is clean and does not smell or sump in to drums if there is still an odor and dispose of in one of your bulk plant dikes or cardlock oil water separators. This will handle any trace petroleum and the residue will clean your interceptors. This treatment has been effective at eliminating the odor almost immediately once the sump is full of Petro Buster.

Clean driveway leaks from furnace oil, hydraulic lines etc on asphalt, concrete, uni-stone etc. use the scrub and clean application outlined in #1 above and you be less likely to be purchasing your customer a new driveway. This is common with furnace oil deliveries.

Clean overfills of furnace oil, where it sprays up the side of a house and stains the siding/brick, spray it on and scrub it off. Petro Buster is highly effective at pulling the stain out of a surface when other products will not.

Clean Furnace oil soot on carpet and blow-back soot on walls etc., Petro Buster at 4:1 mixture is highly effective at pulling the soot out of painted walls without effecting the pain and cleans the carpets.

Clean water around the cardlocks or any other areas such as ponds, lakes, rivers etc, if you see a sheen (plume) of petroleum, simply spray the 4:1 mixture on it from the sprayer and on contact the plume with disperse removing it from sight immediately and continues to break down the hydrocarbons that are left. Sometimes the smallest amount of fuel on water can cause alarm with the public and this is a great way of eliminating that visual issue immediately. The Royal Canadian Navy uses it in BC for cleaning their bilges and the waste water sumps out clean which one of the reasons why they like Petro Buster. Actually, many marinas carry it and many boaters use it.

Clean your trucks in the same spot in your yard every day leaches petroleum from them in to your property and it accumulates over time causing an environmental issue on your own property. I have experienced this first hand in the past. Many companies are using Petro Buster to wash their equipment because it does a great job and the residue going in to the ground has treated the hydrocarbons from the truck that day and works to clean it from previous issues over time. In this instance you can likely dilute the Petro Buster up to 9 or 10 parts water with 1 part Petro Buster getting the cost down to $1.75 per L.

Clean parts In the shop it is a great Eco-Degreaser that your mechanics can use to clean truck parts, hose and camlock fittings etc. without having toxic solvent cleaners around, combustible rags and safety cans because it is a nontoxic, nonflammable product.

Clean old environmental issues (brownfield sites and other properties) have been successfully cleaned up using Petro Buster and if you have such properties I can assist you with the strategy.

If you need more information quickly and need to react to a spill or incident, send us a message or call us, we answer this line 7 days a week. Call 1-877-734-8204